Gotharman's Little deFormer

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USB transfer box for all models of Little deFormer and FX deFormer

When connecting USB box to your Little deFormer or FX deFormer, you will be able to import and export samples as .wav files, and to import and export presets.


Box measurements: 120 x 75 x 45 mm.

User Manual:

Click on the manual to download


ASUS T3Little deFormer factory samples and presets download:

All the samples and presets, that a new LD2 comes with, in original LD format (.LDS and .LDP).

You will need the USB box, for loading these to your Little deFormer.

Download the LDFACTOR.ZIP file, unzip it, and copy the folders to a USB drive.

Import the "BANK_A" folder (contains the samples) and then the "PRESETS" folder on your LD.